Brian Orr
Brian Orr Technical Services and Support Manager
Bernie Malonson
Bernie Malonson Business Development & Marketing Manager
Bill Kirk Technical Specialist
Greg Lonc
James Andrews
Jim Lyon
Keara Saud Asphalt Rheologist
Kenneth Wilson
Madhura Pawar
Paul Pepin B2Last Canada Sales Representative
Sarah Walden Chemist
AMAP Logo Supplier

Products and Services Offered: Asphalt
Polymer Modified Asphalt, Hot Mix Asphalt, Warm Mix Asphalt, Cold Mix Asphalt, Roofing Asphalt, Emulsified Asphalt, Crack Sealants, Slurry Seals, Chip Seals, Tack Coats, Microsurfacing
Additional Asphalt Products
Products and Services Offered: Polymers
Styrene-butadiene Rubber (SBR), Latex, Other
Additional Polymer Products
Acrylic Polymers
Technical Contact Name
Bill Kirlk
Technical Contact Job Title
Technical Specialist
Technical Contact Email
Technical Contact Phone
Sales Contact Name
Brian Dryburgh
Sales Contact Title
Sales Representative
Sales Contact Email
Sales Contact Phone