Organization Overview

From high grade asphalt cements to customized asphalt emulsions, The Gorman Group specializes in providing the best materials at the best price to support both internal operations and external sales. High performance patch materials and liquid calcium products are also available.
Construction Services
The Gorman Group provides a vast array of preventative maintenance and pavement rehabilitation services including: Cold In Place Recycling (CIPR), Micro Surfacing, Paver Placed Surface Treatment (PPST), Full Depth Reclamation (FDR), FiberMat, Chip Seal, Cold Mix Paving, Crack Seal, and Fog Seal.
AMAP Logo Producer

Market Segment
Asphalt: Producer/Modifier/Supplier
Products and Services Offered: Asphalt
Polymer Modified Asphalt, Warm Mix Asphalt, Cold Mix Asphalt, Emulsified Asphalt, Slurry Seals, Cutbacks, Chip Seals, Tack Coats, Microsurfacing, Other
Additional Asphalt Products
Warm Mix Additives, Anti strip additives,
Technical Contact Name
Brian Jones
Technical Contact Phone
Technical Contact Email
Technical Contact Job Title
Technical Services Manager
Sales Contact Name
Ed House
Sales Contact Title
VP Supply & Distribution
Sales Contact Phone
Sales Contact Email
Sales Contact Territory
Construction Sales
2nd Sales Contact Name
Lisa Cooper
2nd Sales Contact Job Title
Wholesale Marketing Representative
2nd Sales Contact Phone
2nd Sales Contact Email
2nd Sales Contact Territory
Asphalt Cement and emulsion sales